8 Year Old Kayla
From: joeeads@skyenet.net (Joe Eads)
Thank you for your web site. When we started preparing for our daughter Kayla to get the pump, we began doing a lot of research on the subject. Your site was one of many that we looked at. Kayla, age eight, has now had her MiniMed pump for almost one year. One especially helpful hint we were unaware of was the suggestion to get Emla cream. Kayla's glycohemoglobin dropped from an average 12.5 to 8.1 in the first testing period after the pump. We are very pleased with the pump and the only significant problem we have had is with our HMO and limited number of authorized pump suppliers.
Thank you,
Gainey's Sumter, S.C.
I really like the pump. A lot of people think it is a beeper. And when I tell them it's a insulin pump, they say,"A what?". But the only thing I don't like is the set change. When I first got the pump I had been invited to Vacation Bible school and I had trouble figuring out my insulin for snack time. Now I can use the audio bolus through my shirt to give my insulin. I like the pump better than taking 4 shots everyday.
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